Extending the roast process increases the feeling of sweetness and fullness of the coffee while reducing its natural acidity. DARK Guatemala Huehuetenango is a perfect example of such a genre.
You will be welcomed by the well-known flavours from the classics – but slightly sparked towards sweet and chocolate. We especially recommend this variant for home automatic coffee machines. Espresso, Americano, milk coffee – each of these will be tasty!
This is not a joke – Huehuetenango is a province northwest of Guatemala, known for its agricultural coffee area approximately 265 km from the capital. Filled with breathtaking views, height and climate, it is an ideal place for growing a coffee tree. You will feel it roots in this coffee!
Guatemalan beans are a great alternative to classic Brazilians for those looking to change from chocolate-nut notes to fruity accents with a scoop of sweet vanilla with low acidity.