Still some news
And seemingly new, yet a sure thing.
I think every year we order coffee from Oscar and Francisca Chacon. When the season comes at my house for drinking coffee in a different process than washed, it is the Chacon family that shows how to do it best. We’ve had coffees from them in the Alma Negra, Perla Negra, and Yellow Diamond processing – all different “variations” of their honey and natural processing – and all consistently mega clean in flavor. That’s the case this time, too, flawlessly, even though the processing sounds crazy. Black Diamond Natural proceeds as follows: after picking, the cherries are taken to the mill for grading, where only the most ripe ones are selected. They are then transferred to the greenhouse patio for drying. During the first week, the cherries are stacked one on top of the other – in a thick layer for aerobic fermentation. After this first week, the coffee is spread over the patio forming a thin layer until the drying process is complete.